Dirty Nice Releases New Single and Visual “Montevideo”

By Keegan Knowles

On November 3, Dirty Nice released their newest single, “Montevideo” along with a matching visual. This song, layered over soft arpeggiated synths and some subtle guitar, gives off the epitome of indie pop. With experimental synth sounds and fun melodic runs, the instrumental section is as aesthetically pleasing as it gets. The lyrics are fun and subtle, giving off a very chilled out vibe. When the drum machine kicks, the song kicks into next gear for the last stretch. From there, the instrumentals take it away. 

Dirty Nice, consisting of Charlie Pelling and Mark Thomposon, have been fairly productive over the past year. They have consistently delivered several singles into an alt/indie-pop avenue that is wholly their own. Drawing influence from The 1975, Dirty Projectors, and Passion Pit, the two musicians have a certain sound they are shooting for-- and finding. It will be exciting to see what this collection of singles is working toward.